COVID-19 Clinic Procedure

Our community’s health and safety has always been our #1 priority and now it is even more important that we take every measure to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

Please bring a mask to your appointment. Cloth or surgical masks will suffice.

Please use the washroom before coming to your appointment.

When You Arrive:

Please enter the clinic at the time of your appointment – If you are early, please wait in your car or outside

Please have your mask on before entering the clinic and sanitize your hands once you enter

Please enter the clinic at the time of your appointment – If you are early, please wait in your car or outside

If you see another client in the waiting area, please wait outside the clinic until the area is clear

Please try to come alone (except minors or individuals with mobility difficulties)

After Your Appointment:

Your physiotherapist will book your return appointment with you to reduce the time spent in the reception area

Use contactless payment if available

Use the hand sanitizer at reception before leaving the clinic

Please Reschedule If:

You are experiencing cold / flu like symptoms

Have traveled outside of Canada within the last 14 days

Are in close contact with an individual with COVID-19

What we are doing at the Clinic

Self Screening

Therapists will be self-screening before every shift and will be wearing a mask during appointments

Social Distancing

Therapist’s schedules will be staggered to maintain social distancing

Room Sanitizing

Extra time will be added in between appointments for room sanitizing

Clinic Disinfecting

Thorough cleaning and disinfecting procedures of the clinic have been implemented

Protecting our Staff

A plexi-glass has been installed to protect our valuable clinic manager Samantha
